You're Not A Hero. You’re a Terrorist.

Tory Quintero
3 min readJan 9, 2021

US Election 2020:

A pulp-fiction movie starring deranged derelicts sent forth to save the country for White Trash Nationalism.

Bigoted Bloodshed, NEW RELEASE DATE Jan. 6, 2020.

An uninspired, unamerican confederate flag waving RE-RUN … for the 160th hit season.

Storyline same as usual —

fantasy /sci-fi / non-thriller

Larger-than-Life explosive surround-sound for renegade Red stay-at-homers streaming internet tv

B- grade shockvalue screenplay

rife with twists and suspense

**written and starring malicious white men aged 18–55, suffering from

**Mind and Erectile dysfunction**

and codependent women so used to bad soap operas

they don’t understand they are being



Action video shots of an unkempt

ad-hoc militia of social rejects

wayward hoodlums and high school dropouts

devoid of both IQ and integrity

getting their moment onscreen

while breaking glass windows and shooting and storming through unsecured doors into a national edifice

The plot:

derelicts and evangelists collude

to terrorize lawmakers

proclaim themselves heroes and saviors,

later, pen autographs for ingratiating DC police fans.

My Review:

The electoral college count showdown had some potential for hostages but

Apparently, nobody noticed

the subject of irony in desecrating

a capitol convened for due process

to finally rid itself of a true public enemy, a criminal

unfit for government office

Nevertheless, our good ol’ boys (and a few well-behaved southern ladies and dishonorable mentions)

arrived armed with indignity

aiming to reinstate

a political and global disgrace

whom a majority of americans


was no longer welcome to continue

as dictator-in-chief

Today was a chance for low-life cow-horned marauders

from backwaters and sewers near you

to dress up in illegal weapons

decorate halls of congress with ACME explosives

to challenge the outcome

crown themselves as crusaders

and glorify devotional fervor

in the name of violent self-righteousness

The usual suspects behind the scenes

donated their screen time to fresh faces intent to divide our republic

hell-bent to



ransack their way to

declare the non-death

of a rancid orange-faced cadaver

committing to history a gaping mouth statue frozen open for all time.

Traitors made vain attempts

by forced regurgitation of non-facts

to herald the “resurrection”

of a post-mortem

premise of power

Despite rancorous stench

greasily coating the insides of our ears, nose and throat canals,

its thick choking smell holding up by itself in the air

while the nation recoiled from unmistakable vapors of rotting white leadership

which is both dead and undead

and remains left out in the open for view;

despite the grotesque melting of mold-covered shapes,

a decaying, unrecognizable, delusional faction

of body politic all

crawling with maggots;

despite the fact that

putrid decomposition

is an unavoidable end to

a necrotic system

fed on self-centered

societal sacrifice;

despite the reality that this world resents

having to continually clean up vomit and excrement which

diseased miscreants sadistically spew in our midst.

whether they’re ready or not,

their disordered mentality,

their constant projection of threat,

seems to have cracked its egg open in public display to bring about its timely demise

which may signal a future without them

Camera angle and floodlight aside,

the Earth has already begun

its natural selection process

demonstrating innate wisdom in order to


whatever does not serve and support the whole

full circle

for whatever such species

unrestrained, disconnected,

cannot stop itself from

unending and rampant destruction

of animal and plant kingdoms

for whatever such thing vaults itself upon

debasement of life, and

subjugation of others

for whatever such person presumes that celebrity status,

entitlement, and aggression is the fundamental and only american way.

©Tory Quintero January 8, 2021



Tory Quintero

Off-road driving to seek solutions and point the way.